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Showing posts from April, 2019


I think this guy looks more Asian than anything else. We’ll see what the future holds.


Elias likes putting his hands on his face.


Elias has his first appointment today, and he seems to be doing well. He’s gained some weight, and everything else seems good. I’ve been surprised so far at how mellow he is. Unlike his sisters, he doesn’t cry nearly as much as they did. 

April 12, 2019

Elias Enrique Ramirez Born: 4/12/19 @ 7:55 a.m. Weight: 9 lbs. 4 oz. Elias : "The Lord is God; the Lord is strong." Enrique : Grandfather's name and my name Ramirez : common Mexican last name After a week in the NICU, baby Elias came home yesterday.  This is part 3 of the journey of the "Chimexicaureans" (Elias is a quarter Chinese, a quarter Mexican, a quarter Caucasian, and a quarter Korean).   The last week was a reminder of who God is.  Life can be challenging, and it doesn't always end up how we want, but at the end of the day, there's something to be said about who WE become in the process.  Here's little Elias when he first came out of the womb. And here he is hooked up to the machines. This is the little man, looking a little gangster. And here's my son, already donning his favorite sport's team colors - the Lakers. The journey begins.