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Showing posts from April, 2021

Ice Cream

Ice cream is always good on a hot day. 


Elias’ latest obsession?  Thomas the train. This was one of his favorite gifts for his birthday. 


This one looks evil. 


 That face. 

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Today Elias turns two. The last two years have been a blur. However, Elias brings a piece to the family that was missing. He’s all boy - rough, playful, and into everything the girls were never into. It has been a joy to play with trucks, wrestle, and do “men” things that I can’t with them girls. Happy Birthday, Elias!  We love you!

Shaved Ice

This guy can’t turn down anything sweet. 


This is what you can do to Elias’ hair with some shampoo and water. He doesn’t really like it, though. 


Elias’ Easter resembled more of the normal we’re used to. He had two egg hunts that we was completely disinterested in, attended church, was given lots of good food from abuelitos that he didn’t eat, and he received way too many gifts. It was a good day.