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Showing posts from December, 2020


Elias in his tractor sweatshirt that he received from abuelitos for Christmas...

Christmas 2020

An unusual Christmas was met with some familiar traditions, yet it wasn’t the same as what we’re accustomed to. Elias enjoyed playing at abuelitos’ house and seeing all his new truck toys. As always, he was spoiled. May Elias remember, though, what Christmas represents. 


What started as an interest in trucks has become an all-out obsession with anything related to trucks. Pictures on the internet. Calling out the names of trucks he sees as we drive in the car. Playing with them at home. This guy is obsessed. 

Cookie Decorating

Instead of decorating cookies, this guy chose to eat the frosting. It figures!


 Elias looks comfortable. 


The only way he’ll eat pancakes is with chocolate chips. 


The only way to keep Elias seated was to give him a piece of candy. Bribery works. 


Elias rode a train for the first time a few days ago. He absolutely loved it!  In fact, he rode it three times because each time it stopped, he cried and cried for more. 


I’ve loved every minute of the last 12 years of princesses, dolls, and make-believe. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. But there’s something good about trucks, being outside, and doing “man things” together. 


 This guy’s looking bigger and bigger each day.