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Showing posts from November, 2020


 This guy loves trucks. Tow trucks. Concrete mixers. All kinds of trucks. 


Thanksgiving just wasn’t the same this year. No extended family gathering. No dinner meal inside the house. Regardless, though, abuelitos managed to make the most of it with a socially distanced outdoor meal. Family time, in whatever form it takes, matters most. 


 Eating cereal all on his own like a big boy. 


 “Ready. Go. I win.”  Elias was repeating that tonight as we were outside. Where does he get that from?  Middle sister. Lilyana always wants to race and always makes sure she’s the winner. 


One of the best part of the morning before I go to worn is that I’ll put Elias on the counter as I get ready. His one and only goal during that time is to turn the faucet on and off as many times as possible. Quality time. 


 Yogurt mouth. 


This little helper sometimes creates more of a mess, and he usually just wants me to hold him after 30 minutes, but I’ll take the extra time with my son any day. 


Elias took advantage of the day off to visit the snow. He wasn’t too much of a fan and asked to be held most of the time. Oh well. Next time. 


 What do you notice about this picture? 1. It’s not even Thanksgiving and already the commercialization of Christmas is widely evident.  2. Elias won’t stand still for anything. 


 This ice cream cone looks awfully delicious. 


 Look at this guy. Eating pistachios out of the bag.