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Showing posts from October, 2020


 Another year, another Halloween. 

Gopa Gum

Elias is so naughty that he took the bubble gum container, threw it to the ground so it would open, and then quickly took a piece before I could clean them up. It took about five minutes before he ended up swallowing his “gopa gum”.


 These two are looking so much older these days. 

Happy Birthday

Today we celebrated abuelito’s birthday. His kindness and love for family is an example to us all. Happy birthday, abuelito! (It’s hard taking a socially distanced picture with Elias)

No Good

 These two look like they’re up to no good. 


Big boy helping me water.    


 God created men and women very differently. Seeing Elias when compared with the girls shows just how obvious that is. Today abuelitos brought some gardening tools, dirt, and seeds so the kids could plant vegetables. By the end Elias looked like he had rolled in the dirt. 


This guy can’t sit still. He’s all over the place, with a mind of his own. 


As Elias has gotten older, he doesn’t seem to enjoy nutritious food. Sweets, though?  Loves them. 


 More salad!