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Showing posts from April, 2020

Silly Face

This is the look Elias gives when you say, “cheesy face” or “silly face”!


No matter what hat I put on this guy, he is quick to take it off. 

Battle Scar

I was working downstairs yesterday, when out of nowhere I heard a loud shriek from Susanne. I ran upstairs to find the little guy had taken a nose dive on his wooden car.  I’m sure it won’t be the last time. 


Elias has found the television. With no pants. 


Keeping up with this guy will allow me to exercise more. He is non-stop!


This guy likes to play with the water bottles. He’s pretty strong. 


One of the drawbacks of having two sisters is that Elias will find their toys around the house and play with them. This doll is one, fine example. 

Happy Birthday, Elias!

Elias, in no way could I have anticipated that we would be celebrating your first birthday under quarantine.  But tonight, as I was feeding you your bottle before going to bed, something hit me.  A year ago at this very moment, you were in your own quarantine after having difficulty with your breathing.  For a week you spent time isolated in the NICU.  I was struck at the parallel, and the fact that God was faithful to you back then and He will be faithful to us now. Despite it all, we were still able to celebrate with some balloons in the morning... A donut for your breakfast... And more sweets (cake) for dinner... and gifts to open... Your smile has been such a joy to see.  Your gentle spirit is obvious to us all.  We're going to need those qualities in a house full of three crazy women!  Happy Birthday, son!


This is the look of someone who was given a Hershey’s kiss. 


This guy has been fussy and clingy the last two days. One benefit of this lockdown, though, is being able to spend more time with the kids and hold my son when he refuses to be put down. 


Quarantine has provided ample opportunity for the kids to fight, bicker, and show the worst side of all of us.  But thankfully it has also provided glimpses into the possibility for compassion and kindness. 


Elias is becoming much more comfortable walking all around the house. It all happened so fast!

Fruit Loops

What’s this the look of?  The look of someone who just tried Fruit Loops for the first time.