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Showing posts from October, 2019


I do hope Elias loves sports, especially basketball and baseball. 

Happy Birthday, Abuelito!

Today we celebrated your abuelito’s birthday, Elias. Your grandfather is a selfless man who never complains and will do anything for his family, even if it means putting himself second. Learn from him because there aren’t many other grandfathers like him. Happy birthday, abuelito! 


We’re on to yams...


Elias is taking control of his feedings. 


It’s time for solid foods!  First up?  Mashed avocado.  Elias wasn’t too sure. 


Elias is sitting up on his own now!


It’s amazing what tv will do. This is Elias, trying to catch a glance of what sister was watching. Often I wish we never had a tv. 

Pumpkin Patch

Elias visited his first and second pumpkin patches this past weekend. He didn’t really do much other than watch, though. 

6 Months

Elias is 6 months old today. It’s surreal how fast time passes. I think often what it’s like now having a third child, and while the challenges have been many, this little guy has been a reflection of joy and contentment. 


I went to make Isabella’s lunch for school the other morning and asked her to watch Elias in the meantime. This is what I came back to: I know, though, that big sister is going to be a great babysitter!


This is Elias, waiting for me as I get ready for work.