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Showing posts from August, 2019


Elias keeps growing and looking older each day. 


Elias visited his pediatrician today, and she said that things look good with him. It’s been a rough few days. I’m grateful that this guy is doing better. 


Hey big guy. Your first four months on this earth sure haven’t started easy. Yesterday you had to go to the ER because you were dropped as you were being held. It was one of the more frightening events I’ve had to deal with. You seem okay, the doctor said you seem okay, and I pray you’ll continue to be fine. So much of life is out of our control, but God is with you. Always. 


Elias rolled over on his own for the first time today!  


The big guy slept through the night for the second time!  Good job, Elias!


This face as Elias sleeps seems very angelic. 

Big Big Sister Birthday

Another birthday celebration for big big sister!  This sister has been such a wonderful help in taking care of you. She may not shower you with hugs and kissss, but I see how she looks at you and I know she loves you so very much. 

Sister Birthday

Your sister celebrated her 4th birthday today. This girl loves you so much. She smothers you with kisses, always wants to hold you, and is constantly giving you hugs. She a great big sister!


One of the more endearing things to watch is when Elias is asleep and he smiles for no reason. Maybe it’s a dream or just a reflex, but it’s cute. 

Big Sister

Elias loves his big, big sister. 


Elias sitting...


Elias is such a big boy that he looks like at 4 months he’s almost the same size as his soon-to-be 4 year old sister!


This guy likes to smile a lot.